Thursday 25 May 2017

Say No To Non-Veg: With Scientific & Logical Reasons

By feeding a hen 1 kg grains, we get only 2 or 3 eggs, nobody in this world is unknown from bird flu, it’s spreading all around the world rapidly & India is also not an exception in this case. It’s a complete myth that non-veg is much energetic rather than veg, the same quantity of baroquely has 50% more energy than the meat. Horse, bulls, buffaloes, rhinos & elephants all are vegetarian and way much powerful than a jackal, leopard and even lion, the king of forest(lion) always afraid of attacking an elephant because when the elephant will payback lion can even lose his life. Killing an elephant is even hard for a group of lion & lioness. By eating a monkey can a lion get agility like him and started climbing and jumping over trees like him. Even in the case of humans so many studies states that an athlete, sportsman or any common people who follow a well scheduled vegetarian lifestyle are much intelligent, sharp minded, stronger, and quick decision maker rather than any nonvegetarian.


As per a report of WHO non-veg food cause use 159 types of diseases, some of the most common diseases from them are heart diseases, high blood pressure, kidney issues, gall bladder problems, wound in arteries, eczema, paralysis, pains, arthritis etc. On the other hand vegetarian food never causes any disease, beneficial and cures diseases. Some famous doctors from U.S.A. have declared through many of their studies that non-veg lifestyle can make one’s bones weaker, it(non-veg) increases the quantity of alkaline (in simple terms salt) in the human body which directly effects at the strength of bones, on the other hand, vegetarian people have much stronger bones. That reduces resistance power of humans.


Based on results from the many studies & experiments a popular Japanese scientist gave this conclusion that non-veg increases, anger, hesitation, anxiety, sexual desires, and criminal mentality. As they usually say, ‘you will what you eat’. Non-veg food also produces nitrogen, which is quite harmful to our nerves system, it can completely misbalance whole digestion system of human body and can cause intestine’s diseases. But completely opposite from all these things vegetarian food contains cancer preventing substances. For getting 1 ton of meat from different animals developed countries feeding 6 tons of food them. A number of whole grains and vegetarian things consumed by various meat producing animals can satisfy the hunger of 50% of the whole population on earth. From 8 kg of vegetarian protein, animals produce 1kg meat protein. This is simply wastage of protein, vitamins & energy. It is very simple that eating any kind of meat (either blood & hormones free or not) can cause you serious health issues.


The non-veg food contains cancer causing substances on a very high quantity, studies show that a nonvegetarian has 40% more chances of victimized by cancer rather than any vegetarian. Non-veg diet also increases chances of heart-attack & diabetes. The vegetarian lifestyle is a must needed thing for living a completely healthy, diseases free, long & happy life. On an average, a vegetarian is 10-20 pound lesser than any adult non-vegetarian. Food poison is also a gift of non-veg food chart to humanity which is killing thousands of people worldwide every year. It can seriously destroy your love life, non-veg food increases chances of impotence in men as well, it causes Erectile dysfunction & many other sexual disorders. If you are a non-veg you might have to wrestle with high cholesterol & artery blockage at least once in your which is more than enough for killing you.  


“I just decided that I was the high-risk person and I didn’t want to fool with this anymore, I wanted to live to be a grandfather, so I decided to pick the diet that I thought would maximize my chances of long-term survival.”
-        Mr. Bill Clinton (Former American President)

Most of the farms give their cattle food which contains a high rate of artificial synthetic chemicals to increase the production of various hormones in their body, which helps them in growing faster and in producing much food. Top antibiotics use for food-producing animals, very rarely use in case of humans and vice versa same. After that many farms in U.S.A. and most of the western world using antibiotic resistant bacteria called super germs which are even more dangerous for human body. As per the conclusion of many studies all around the globe, a vegetarian man lives around 84 years on average but a non-vegetarian man lives around 74 years on average, in the case of women, a vegetarian woman lives around 85 years on average on the other hand a non-vegetarian woman lives around 79 years on average. Chemicals commonly use on cows for growing them faster & for getting more food can cause serious brain related problems.


Here are the main 5 things that all kind of non-veg contains no matter either it’s seafood or chicken or red meat or beef or what so ever these following 5 things can easily lead you towards death eventually:
1.  Drugs/Hormones
2. Pesticides/PCBs/chemicals from fertilizers
3. Bacteria
4. Parasites
5. Fat/Cholesterol


In end, as a conclusion, I can only say that, Be Healthy, Be Vegan, Save Nature, Save Humanity, Say no to non-veg.

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