Sunday 16 April 2017

Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD

STD (sexually transmitted diseases) means that can be transferred while having any kind of sexual activity either Oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex or sharing sex toys & body fluids like semen(cum), saliva and blood. India has the third largest number of people infected with HIV, over 65 million people infected with serious, chronical & incurable sexually transmitted diseases on an average over 10 % population of developed countries have minor or chronical STD. These diseases spreading among the homosexual people much faster rather than the heterosexuals. One in every 20 teens around the globe have any kind of STD or other sexual issues (like too much sexual addiction or lack of stamina etc.)


Over 25 million people around the globe becoming newly infected with sexually transmitted diseases every year. There are lots of diseases that can be spread through sex for example: syphilis, gonorrhoea, herpes, chlamydia, genital warts, vaginitis, viral hepatitis, HIV and much more, If these diseases don’t get proper precautions & treatments and attention as well, is can cause their victim serious health problems permanent brain damage, heart diseases, cancer, sterility (not being able to get pregnant) and even death.


An STD can victimize you if you ever did following things:


Had sex with someone without using condoms (unprotected sex).

Had paid sex (using prostitutes for pleasure).

Using drugs can increase your chances of getting infected with any sexually transmitted disease & having sex with someone who is using drugs.

If you had many sex partners at the same time or infrequent change one after another.

Using alcohol by having any kind of sexual activity can increase your chance of having unprotected sex which leads you towards STD infections.

By not using male or female condoms properly.


In most of the cases, STD doesn’t show any symptoms so you can never guess about it by just looking at the person. Be protected, be healthy. Hepatitis A or B is a liver disease caused by a virus carried through the body fluids like blood, saliva, semen etc. 


HIV can be transferred through sexual relations, blood and from mother to baby while the time of pregnancy. STDs can be transferred by sharing needle while any kind of medical treatment activity but usually STDs spread by this way in the people who used to inject drugs directly into their muscles or blood & share needles while doing it. Even through any kind of contact with areas around the genital parts either by lips or another person’s genital parts can spread sexually transmitted diseases, while kissing someone if anyone among those two persons have infected with any STD and have any kind of cut around the lips, over the lips or inside mouth, the other person can get infected with similar STD just through the blood inside that minor cut or even through the saliva of another person.


Most of the sexual transferring diseases can be cured by some specific treatments and can be prevented by getting vaccinated in right age. But few of these diseases can’t be cured or controlled by any medicine, treatment process or vaccine like HIV, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, as most of us have already read and listened so any times that HIV directly effects on the immunity system of the human body which will lead victim towards lots of other common & critical diseases and eventually the destination of such person is death because there is still not even a single proven and guaranteed method of curing AIDS. HIV can be transfer from mother to baby while the pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. But in the case of a pregnant woman the chances of spreading HIV to the baby can be greatly reduced by some medicines, it is possible that an HIV-infected mother’s child can be saved from this virus during the pregnancy time. There isn’t any cure or vaccine for HIV but there are just a few medicines which can help infected people to live longer.


Sexually transmitted diseases can affect victim’s brain, eyes, body temperature, immune system, digestion system, nervous system, sexual capacities and most dangerously these diseases can affect a pregnant woman and her child, the child may have slow growth rate, undeveloped brain, physical disability or can even die in mother’s womb. Some STDs can make a lady unable in getting pregnant. Men can be affected by them as well; such viruses and infections can make men sexually incapable or less captive by giving them various kind of sexual and genital disorders. 


It is also possible that any person can get infected by two or more sexual transferring diseases at the same time and one can get infected again from the same virus even after getting cured once. So, postponing the treatment can put you even in harder or incurable situations. If you have been infected with two or more STD you should take proper treatment from any well-experienced doctor on necessity basis before those diseases start behaving as a catalyst for each other & sometimes virus started acting like a compound virus or sometimes viruses started acting as a catalyst & protection shields for each other. Even due to a very minor STD your chances of getting infected with HIV increases multiply. No matter either you are a teen or adult or an old person, either a man or woman, Healthy or unhealthy, have any blood group, these diseases can make you their victim in any case.


Following are the most common sexually transmitted diseases affecting people around the globe:


Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Herpes, Hepatitis A B & c, HIV, Genital Warts, Vaginitis, Chancroids, Trichomoniasis, PID, Scabies, Yeast Infections, Pubic Lice, Molluscum Contagiosum etc.


Causes of STD transmission:


One of the main cause of spreading of STDs is that the people feel shame in discussing their problems with their guardians, partners or with any doctor, which leads them even more chronical levels of infection.

Having unprotected sex, never forget to use excellent quality of condom.

Too much indulging with prostitutes and giving preference to paid sex.

Having many sex partner, one should avoid this and be faithful to their one partner, it will also keep them safe from STDs.

Sharing sex toys.

Needles sharing.

Through body fluids like blood, saliva & semen.

Using drugs & alcohol leads you towards unprotected sex.

Having fantasizing and uncontrolled sexual life (having unnatural sex more than limits.)

Becoming sexually active in younger age.  Being a teen guys & girls usually don’t have enough knowledge about the precautions & risks related with sex that’s why they usually get infected various STD viruses.

Foetus can be affected if the pregnant mother has any STD.

Keep getting checked properly by an expert doctor frequently.


As per a report WHO (World Health Organization) ten years ago over 1 million people each day became infected by an STD and in present time these figures are much higher, most of the victims of these diseases are youth aged up to 25 years old and 1/3 of total numbers of the victims affected first time at the age of 20. Around the globe, the total number of sexually transferred diseases affected girls aged b/w 14 – 19 are just double of the number of boys of same age group.

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