Friday 7 April 2017

Diseases And Disorders Cause By Masturbation

Being a teenager most of us want to know that Is masturbation bad? Is there something wrong in masturbating? Am I the only one who’s addicted to it? Is there any kind of bad effects it really can cause? Can it create mental or physical diseases and disorders in my future life or in married life? You can get answers of every question of yours related to masturbating here. 

Most of us usually think that masturbating is a great and healthy habit. But it’s a misconception, lots of people around us destroying their life due to this worst kind of addiction(masturbation) because they think that masturbating can help them in overcome their routine life’s stress and tiredness but they have become slaves of masturbation in reality.


Masturbation is just a type of harmful addiction just like alcohol, tobacco (& other nicotine containing substances) or like drugs (cocaine, marijuana etc.) and the hilarious thing about the masturbating is that that it cannot being restricted or declared illegal by any government.


The side effects of the masturbating are much larger in numbers and harmful than the so-called advantages of it:

·      You get mentally restless.

·      You become introvert and prefer to live alone which is not good for you at all.

·      You become kind of shy and pervert and started to live an indoor life.

·      You can lose concentration on word and studies.

·       You lose calories on a harmful rate.

·       Your skin become so dry.

·      Your cheeks started shrinking towards inside badly.

·      You become so much addicted to masturbation that you can’t get proper sleep without masturbating.

·      You must face aging, eyesight problems, gas issues and hair loss and various hair issues.

·      Your tummy started coming outside.

·      You start getting thin and will feel weakness.


Only advantage masturbating have is getting pleasure. So, I suggest everyone avoid such harmful addiction of masturbating and go get yourself a wife/husband or a girlfriend/boyfriend, depends on your personal choices and thinking.

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