Friday 7 April 2017

Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Homosexuals

Sexually Transmitted Diseases have increased enormously among the gay, bisexual men and lesbian women around the globe, as per the facts and results of various surveys Sexual disorders and diseases have increased and victimized more than 50% homosexual persons around the globe, this figure is even higher than 80% in developed and western nations like USA, Mexico, Most of the Europe etc.

Most common diseases spreading among people are anal, oral cancer and various kind of anal, oral infections, the possibility of such kind of diseases are 17 times more in homosexual persons rather than any heterosexual guy or lady. As per the many government and social level surveys around the globe possibility of many partners or changing various partners are higher in homosexual persons due to this they are highly victimized with HIV virus, total percentage of HIV+ homosexual among whole homosexual population around the world is much higher than the percentage of HIV+ Heterosexual persons among whole Heterosexual population.


For living a healthy life people must use a condom and have protected sex, most of the time condom gives total security from cancer, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases if they(condoms) failed sometimes it means they aren’t used properly. HIV and other sexual diseases can be spread through unprotected anal, oral, or vaginal sexual contact or just by skin to skin touch of genital parts, some sexual disorders and diseases can also be transmitted through the contact with the area around the genital parts even when persons are protected with condoms.

Not even any kind of sexual contact few such kind of diseases (like HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea) can be spread by body fluid like semen(cum) or blood. So, people must beware even when they are kissing their partner or just taking their semen inside them you through oral and anal activities, Sexual diseases can be transferred even by a little cut in the skin of mouth, anal or area around the genital parts. Most of the STD doesn’t show any kind of symptoms, the only way to check it is to get properly tested by doctors when someone has even the simplest, smallest, and most common sexual diseases like herpes, chances of getting HIV increases up to 200%.

Every gay, bisexual, lesbian who ever have sex with a person of similar gender should be tested on the regular basis. The only way to know about the status of these diseases is to get tested, this is very important for every person’s and their partner’s health. Doctors recommend that every Homosexual person should get a test for HIV at least once in a year and for other diseases once in 3 or 6 months.

How to prevent sexually transmitted diseases:
If anyone is sexually active, he/she is at the risk of STDs however there are lots of things people can prefer as precautions:

Get Vaccinated: Heterosexual and homosexual both kinds of persons have chances to be infected with diseases like hepatitis-A, hepatitis-B, or HPV following diseases have some precautions as well as cures, doctors recommended to be vaccinated against above mentioned and some other diseases up to the age of 26.

There are few more things along with getting tested and vaccinated that a person should do on the individual, mental and on social levels:

· Talk honestly with your partner about sexually transmitted diseases and get properly tested before having sex.

·      Never forget to use condoms properly in right manner every time when having sex.

·      Avoid using any kind of alcohol or drugs while having sex it can degrade your ability to make right decisions and bring you towards greater risks like having unprotected sex.

Try to limit your sexual partners, if you will have sex only with one person who have sex only with you, the risks of any kind of STD infections will be minimum in both persons and it will lead you a happy & healthy social and love life.

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