Monday 10 April 2017

Diseases Spreading Due To Global Warming

Global Warming affecting human life and nature on a dangerous scale everywhere around the globe, Bird flu, Cholera, Ebola, Plague, and various skin diseases are just a few names among the long list of diseases spreading due to global warming and harmful changes in climate. For stopping these diseases from becoming a black death worldwide like the flu caused death 2- 4 crore people worldwide in 1918 and demolished 1/3 population of whole Europe, people around the globe must get serious about the deadly changes in climate due to global warming.

We must take required serious steps on the global level before it becomes a deadly unstoppable outrage of diseases and causes humanity a huge immeasurable loss. Increasing temperature, uncertain weather changes and raining giving mosquitoes, bacteria and various kind of deadly viruses almost perfectly habitable place around the globe, most significantly in Africa and dense forest area around the equator, from where through the various mediums these diseases spreading everywhere on the planet. Following are the main diseases affecting human life as well as nature on largest scale:


Bird flu
Babesiosis (malaria like viruses)
Lym Diseases
Red tides
Rift Valley Fever
Yellow Fever
Sleeping Sickness

Global warming melting the permafrost, various kind of deadly viruses and bacteria will be unleashed & spread around the globe, those were frozen under a thick layer of ice from hundreds & thousands years. A trailer of this upcoming possible threat came in July 2016 when a 75-year-old reindeer carcass became free from ice due to rising temperatures, causing the first anthrax crises since 1941 that killed more than 2,000 reindeer and made 13 people ill in Siberia. Due climate changing and temperatures rising, diseases once graved inside ice of the tropics are free and traveling far from the equator towards the other parts of the world, that’s why the world now facing the diseases with whom we are not used to like Zika. Mosquitos carrying the virus around the globe and if we keep warming our planet, controlling mosquitos will become more difficult. As much warmer weather these diseases and mosquitos will get, as faster they will develop from egg to adult and stronger viruses of various diseases will become.


There could be other much deadly viruses frozen under the ice of tropics up till now. But if this global warming will be continued on same or high rate, the whole life on earth will have to face diseases like that we never imagined before, after many researches experts clearly giving us warning that there can be such viruses underneath the ice around the whole globe those may be meters deep in ice and frozen from 28k or 30k years but if serious steps against climate changes will not be taken those will also come out and for sure rule over the whole life or earth by spreading lots of deadly and incurable diseases, thousands or even lakhs of human, plants and other forms of life is dying due to diseases spreading through uncertain and harmful changes in climate around the globe.


Bad effects in brief:
Extreme heat
Natural disasters
Allergens and other nuisances
Poor air quality
Spreading diseases
Climate trends differ by region.
Some people are more vulnerable to illness or death
Wealthy nations will be dominating 


Many existing diseases, viruses and bacteria’s are still there around us those can be affected by the climate changing like cholera, malaria, dengue etc. Some diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya are spreading because of the mosquitos those carries these viruses can not survive in normal or low temperature and humans are giving them habitable weather conditions to survive by raising the temperature around the globe. Global warming is allowing viruses and bacteria for spreading diseases even in those places where they never attacked before.


Climate change is destroying the nature in a way that is making earth a better habitable place for infectious diseases. Only 1 0r 2 degrees rise in temperature can cause just diseases outbreaks that will wipe out most of the life forms from the earth.

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