Monday 10 April 2017

Diseases That Can Be Transmitted Through Oral Sex

Is it possible that someone gets infected with any sexually transmitted diseases (STD) due to oral sex? Yes, very much possible, many STD like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis etc. can be transferred through oral sex. However, one can protect himself/herself from getting any STD by using a condom. As per the technical explanation oral sex is when someone touches his or her lips tongue or mouth to someone’s genital parts, anus, or area around these two. Many STD shows no symptoms.


Oral sex is a very much common sexual activity in sexually active adults , as per the results of various global and national level surveys more than 80% of sexually active adults and youth( 15- 50 years old) had oral sex at least once in their life till yet, it is a very much common love making technique in both heterosexuals as well as homosexuals, but very few people know that it(oral sex) can even transfer serious and deadly diseases cancer and HIV, for example, if the person whom with one is having sex have a cut on his/her lips or somewhere around the lips or anywhere inside the mouth, or on his/her genital part or area around the genital part the other person immediately get infected with HIV through the blood or the semen(cum) if they aren’t having protected sex. Secondly, if we take for example that one person among a sex having couple has any kind of gum or mouth cancer, genital cancer or any other mouth’s & genetical diseases, there is a very strong chance that another person who was fit and fine just a while ago, will get infected with the same disease. These chances of getting infected can only be reduced up to a certain level by having protected sex and controlled sex life.


Diseases that can be transmitted through oral sex:
HSV 1&2
Genital Infections
Throat Infections
Rectum Infections
Urinary System Infections


Preventions (ways of reducing the risks):

Have protected sex, use condom & dental dam etc.

Cover the penis specifically non-lubricated latex condom(in easy terms avoid 5bucks costing condoms)

Use high-quality plastic (polyurethane) condoms if the partner is allergic to latex.

Cut a condom and open in the square shape and put it b/w the mouth and partner’s genital parts(penis/vagina) while having oral sexual activity.

Prefer oral sex only with partners whom you are in a long-term relationship and you are sure about that your partner isn’t infected with any kind of STD

Get a proper check-up from a doctor and talk to your doctor openly about the situations & problems.

These diseases can be way much harmful to a pregnant lady and the child inside her womb so it’s a clear and straight suggestion, avoid any kind of sexual activity even from the day one of pregnancy.


Few STD has some symptoms too as per following:

A strange kind of discharge from vagina or penis, it can be bloody too.

Sometimes it feels like burning inside or at the edges of genital parts while urinating

Swollen or painful penis or vagina lips  

Rectal discharge & pain

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