Thursday 13 April 2017

All We Need To Know About Zika Virus.

Although Medical Science Knows about Zika virus almost from seven decades, but it emerged as a serious, deadly, harmful outbreak for humanity from last few years. As per the decades passed this virus muted and keep becoming more & more lethal. There are still so many things about this diseases from which we are still unknown. But one thing we all know that it’s one of the deadliest & strangest diseases spreading around the globe.


In most of the cases Zika never shows common symptoms of illness like joint pain, fever, rashes, weakness, cold, muscle ache, red eyes, etc. maximum after a month from getting infected it can be checked through the blood or urine test. Zika most importantly a major concern for pregnant women, this disease is so dangerous for them that it can latterly demolish the fetus and can become a hanging sword over the life of the mother.

The primary medium of transfer for Zika are mosquitoes (Aedes & Aegypti type of mosquitoes are the main reason for this disease), Zika can also be transferred through all kind of sexual activities like vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex or sharing the sex toys, it can also cause birth defects in newborn baby, doctors are now clearly suggesting getting tested about Zika before planning for a baby, if one of the partners visited a Zika infected country they should wait at least for 8 weeks even for having a casual protected sex.


Medical science still not sure about if this virus can affect under development brain of the fetus, what are the effects of this diseases on a living person’s brain. Scientist still not have any idea about how to determine exact physical damage or delayed development can be detected in a Zika infected fetus, it’s a physically undetectable disease. It is also possible that Zika can make a compound with other mosquito’s transmitted virus like dengue and chikungunya, these three viruses were once spreading in brazil in 2015 and there were so many cases found who was infected by two of these viruses at the same time. But it’s still unknown that is it any kind of compound of virus or just other viruses are performing as a catalyst for Zika.


Zika was first discovered in monkeys (Similar to HIV) in Uganda in 1947 and the first human case was found in the same place in the year 1952. In 1980 lots of people in Africa and Asia got affected with this disease but up till then Zika showed a mild illness in its victims, but from 2007 it emerged in massive outbreaks many times and shows itself as a very lethal virus that’s why scientist believe that Zika can be mutated virus which is getting more & more dangerous with passing decades. It has ended thousands of lives around the globe up till now. Now Zika have victimized around 60 nations, a few years ago we were thinking it’s just another kind flu causes fever, platelets loss, ache etc. but in last 2-4 years we get to know that it can cause neurological disorders, birth defects, and miscarriages as well, science still unknown with the other long term effects Zika can cause. And due to the temperature rising and climate changes earth is becoming a much habitable place for this disease, this virus can stay in human blood without showing any activity around for one week and can stay for much longer in other body fluids like semen, saliva, and urine.


As per the recent researches Zika can stay in semen for 62 days it means it can be transferred into the partner even after man seems recovered so we can say it was nothing less than a surprise for medical science because before Zika science never seen a mosquito’s transfer virus can be sexually transmitted and can cause birth defects. This disease usually affects lower income communities, if you don’t have an air conditioner at your home & shields at your windows and you and your family are quite familiar to mosquito bites this virus can easily affect 

Be Safe, Avoid Mosquitoes, Eat Clean, Be Healthy.

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